How to Check and Change Your Car’s Oil

How to Check and Change Your Car's Oil

Your car’s engine can’t function without oil. The best method to prevent catastrophic engine failure and the enormous repair expenses that come with it is always to keep oil levels. If you’re operating a classic car, this is of paramount importance. With an odometer reading of over 100,000 miles, engine wear may cause your vehicle to continuously lose a small amount of oil.

That cumulative loss can reduce oil levels to unsafe levels, requiring more frequent oil changes. Additionally, oil leaks are more common in vehicles with high mileage. As a result of either of these problems, you should make it a habit to check the oil in your vehicle regularly to determine when it’s time to add more.

If you keep track of your oil usage every week for a month, you’ll get a good idea of how rapidly it drains or whether or not it drains at all. That way, you can reduce the frequency of your checks to, say, once a month. Here’s how to do an oil check and swap:

How to check your oil level

Open the car’s bonnet and use the tester to examine the oil level. Remove the dipstick and wipe it off with a dry towel to acquire an accurate reading. If you want an accurate oil level reading, put it back in the engine and take it out again.

Check your owner’s handbook for specific instructions, but dipsticks generally have markings for the lowest and highest acceptable oil levels. Avoid letting the oil level in the engine fall below the minimum line, but don’t fill it to the top, either.

So, how can you determine if you require an oil change?

Check the color

Examine the oil’s color with the dipstick. The color of fresh oil is a translucent light brown, but it gradually darkens and can become nearly black as it ages. The oil that has lost its transparency and turned black should be changed often since it may contain particulates that can lead to the buildup of muck in the engine.

Check the consistency

If you’re going to examine the color of the oil, you might as well inspect its consistency while you’re at it. Rub the oil between your thumb and forefinger by picking it up from the end of the dipstick. Another clue that the oil contains pollutants and has to be replaced is if it has a coarse texture or a grittiness to the touch.

How to change your car’s oil?

The manufacturer’s recommended oil change frequency varies by vehicle make, model year, number of miles driven, and engine type (petrol, direct or indirect injection diesel, diesel particulate filter). For the most precise information on how often you should replace the oil in your car, go to the manual that came with the vehicle.

Maintaining your car by changing the oil at the frequencies recommended by the manufacturer or your mechanic is crucial. If you don’t maintain the engine, it’s more likely to get clogged or damaged before its time, it won’t run as efficiently, and you’ll waste more gas.

To change your car’s oil:

  • Ensure your car isn’t hot and parked flat, just like when inspecting the oil level.
  • Take off the oil filler cap and dipstick.
  • Drain oil from the engine by placing a pan under the plug in the engine block.
  • Turn the oil drain cap counterclockwise to release the oil.
  • Once the oil has been completely drained, remove the plug, clean it, and reinstall it using a wrench if required.
  • Do not dispose of spent motor oil in the sewer system; instead, remove the pan under your car and drain the oil into a sealed container, which can then be taken to an oil reclamation container at a recycling site.
  • Using a funnel, secure the fresh oil into the oil tank and ensure the oil drain plug is securely fastened.
  • Give the engine a few minutes to warm up and the oil to circulate.
  • Maintain adequate oil in the engine by checking it and adding more if necessary.
  • Replace the oil fill lid and let the engine run for around two minutes to ensure the oil circulates throughout the system.
  • After the engine has cooled, check the oil level to ensure it is below the full mark.

Reasons Why Your Car Engine Oil Needs To Be Changed

Is there any real reason to stress over whether or not you have kept up with your engine’s oil changes? How useful is it, exactly? Is there financial compensation? Here are some advantages if you’re likewise trying to find the truth.

  • It maintains a long life for your car’s engine and keeps it running smoothly.
  • It keeps the engine from breaking down from a lack of oil, which can cause a lot of wear and tear.
  • Proves optimal performance from all engine components at all times.
  • By lubricating moving engine parts, friction is decreased.
  • Increased velocity and less gas consumption
  • Reduces anxiety associated with car breakdowns so that you can be at ease.
  • Budgetary benefits over the long term. Jobs involving the engine might be expensive, but planning and taking precautions can save time and money.

Which kind of oil should you use?

Your engine requires a certain type of oil, so be sure to consult your owner’s manual and follow the recommendations of the supplier when deciding what to put in your car’s engine. Based on your engine’s specifications and the oil’s estimated lifespan, you can go for synthetic, traditional, or high-mileage oil.

Furthermore, it is important to select an appropriate viscosity for your engine; this information can be seen on the oil cap or in the owner’s handbook.

Final Thoughts

When it comes to the health and durability of your car’s engine, checking and changing the oil is a must. You can ensure your oil is in good condition and replace it when it needs to be by regularly checking the oil’s level, color, and consistency.

Changing the oil regularly protects your engine from wear and tear, lowers friction, and boosts performance and gas mileage. Regularly changing your car’s oil may save time, effort, and money.

Chris Turner

Written By

With a lifelong passion for automobiles, Chris brings a wealth of knowledge from his years as a mechanic and a car reviewer. He’s dedicated to providing in-depth, practical advice to car enthusiasts and novices alike.

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